Better Boundaries Workshop (online)
Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is critical to self-care, self-trust, and creating safer connected relationships.
But most of us grew up without healthy boundary role models to follow.
Many of us have never experienced healthy boundaries, and can't quite sort out how to create them.
In this hour-long webinar, Dr. Gina Senarighi PhD, CPC will share a nature-based metaphor for healthy, compassionate boundaries that can evolve with you and your partnerships.
You will receive:
A link to the video call for the virtual event
A Healthy Boundaries Guidebook to help you prepare for the workshop
A PDF workbook and guide to continue your work after the workshop ends
A guided inquiry process designed to help you clarify and confidently share your boundaries
A gentle space to work through tough questions about healthy boundaries with an award-winning relationship coach
Invitations to future events for continued growth
Prepare for the work:
This event will involve a guided inquiry process, please come prepared to write and reflect in a distraction-free environment.
We will be recording the call, video participation is optional.
Submit your questions for the Q&A session to