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What is Body Trust?
Body Trust is a radically different way to occupy and care for your body. It is a pathway to reclaim your body and is completely counter to conventional “wisdom” about food, body image, weight, and health in our culture. Body Trust is paradigm shifting work that invites bravery and fierce body compassion.
Body Trust is a strength-based, trauma-informed, scientifically grounded healing modality—a way out of the predictable, repetitive pattern of dieting, disordered eating and weight cycling fueled by shame, trauma, and body based oppression.
Body Trust is weight-inclusive, meaning this work is for all bodies. There isn’t a different set of rules for you, no matter how much you might feel different, isolated, broken, or in need of fixing. We want you to know we trust your body, regardless of your size. More importantly, we trust you with your body. No exceptions.
Body Trust is a reclamation. Of pleasure. Of knowing. Of wanting. Of listening. Of your voice, your story and your own damn self.
Body Trust is repair work. You are healing your relationship with food, your body, and yourself. You are repairing the damage done living in a body oppressive world. Trust is earned through small, consistent nourishing acts over time.
Body Trust is a homecoming— a process of getting “below the neck” and returning to the innate wisdom of your own embodied experience, knowing that access to this wisdom will vary depending on your body story, your social location, and how much resourcing is available.
Body Trust challenges the status quo by reconnecting you to your own knowing, your deepest truths, and your inner wisdom, so you can begin to feel more at home in your body, navigating the world and making decisions from a more connected place.
Body Trust is a birthright. You were born with an inherent trust for your body. Somewhere along the way you became disconnected from that way of knowing. Body Trust is disrupted by many things including and not limited to trauma, oppression, and illness. Body Trust is an invitation to return to your body and yourself that you want to be in for your lifetime—flexible, compassionate and connected.
Ten fun facts about Gina…
I’m a mostly able-bodied middle aged midsized Midwestern USA based queer cis-woman. I was radicalized while watching the response to Katrina in 2015.
I am an infertile mom, a foster mom, an adoptive mom, and a birth mom.
I have a stellium in Scorpio (Rising, Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury) and a Virgo moon.
I’ve worked as an ice cream shop scooper, a bra-fitter, a Dean of Students, a Social Studies teacher, a dorm mom, a nude model, and a gay-for-pay professional.
I love food. I love eating food. I love cooking food. I love sharing food.
I have been through the same body-shaming white supremacist homophobic diet culture ringer that anyone living in the USA has: attempts to control, restrict, minimize, numb… and more. Our journeys may not be the same, but our work to unlearn diet culture likely shares similar themes.
I came to anti-diet living and weight neutrality through a Body Trust retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs in 2012.
My movement dreams are to stay as long on the dance floor as I would like, to swim with my kids, to recovery from gardening easily as I age.
I’m also a Master Gardener, a tincture maker, an amateur herbalist, and a forest forager.
I see the interconnectedness of fat liberation, queer liberation, Black liberation, disability justice, and many other liberatory movements. I am deeply committed to them all.